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科羅拉多州長Governor Jared Polis應邀親自到場發表演說,並頒發賀狀祝賀中華民國國慶,台灣鄉親們都給予熱烈掌聲,讓酒會開場氣氛隆重歡愉。

科州聯邦眾議員Rep. Ken Buck、奧羅拉(Aurora)市長Mike Coffman 也到場祝賀並致詞,科州聯邦眾議員Doug Lamborn、Rep. Jason Crow,以及丹佛市長Michael Hancock均指派代表出席和致詞表達支持。

其他貴賓包括科州州參議員Chris Hansen、州眾議員Colin Larson、Englewood首席法官Joe Jefferson,以及科州領事團成員。



Director General Bill Huang and Mrs. Huang hosted a reception October 6th to celebrate the 111th National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan) at Grand Hyatt in Denver. Around 250 guests were in attendance.

Colorado Governor Jared Polis delivered a congratulatory speech and presented his proclamation. Other dignitaries included Congressman Ken Buck, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman, State Senator Chris Hansen, State Representative Colin Larson HD 22, City of Englewood Presiding Judge Joe Jefferson, Senior advisor to Congressman Doug Lamborn pastor Jeff Anderson, District Director for Congressman Jason Crow Alejandra Garza, City & County of Denver’s Agency for Human Rights & Community Partnerships Executive Director Derek Okubo, RTD Director Paul Rosenthal, as well as members of local consular corps.

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